Kamis, 12 September 2013

Narrative text Raja Empedu

 Raja Empedu

In the area of Hulu Sungai Nusa, Rawas Ulu Subdistrict, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra ago there was a kingdom ruled by a very powerful young king named King Gall. The royal kingdoms side by side with two others who were in the area and Kampung Batu Dimples Kubu tribe. Stone Mortar kingdom ruled by the famous Prince Mas wealthy. While the State Kampung Kubu Kubu ruled by King famous as a magic mandraguna.
One day, King Dimples Stone (Prince Mas) find it difficult to raise cattle buffalo that is increasingly growing more. Therefore, he intends to "lend" some animals to anyone who is interested with the following conditions: (a) farm still belongs to Prince Mas, and (b) if the loaned cattle give birth, then the results are shared equitably.
Prince Mas bid turned out to attract the interest of King Kubu. For that, he immediately sent his envoy to the Foreign Dimples facing Prince Batu Mas. Arriving at the palace Stone Mortar, immediately facing the messenger, "Please, Your Majesty. Servants are messengers of State Kampung Raja Kubu Kubu tribe. The arrival of the servant is to convey the wishes of King servant who accepted the offer and also willing to obey the Lord for all the requirements. "
"Go home, and speak to your king that I approve of his desire. Tomorrow I will send a few dozen buffaloes. Later when they have proliferated, then I will send a messenger to take the division result, "said Paneran Mas.
"Well, Your Majesty," said the envoy as he excused himself.
According to his promise, the next day the Prince Mas sending dozens of male and female buffaloes to the King camp. Kubu king was happy to receive it. From then on he maintain and take care of the buffaloes well until eventually reproduce very quickly and Kampung Kubu area had largely been a buffalo wallow. Since then, the country known as Kampung Kubu Kubang State and King of kings called Kubang.
Because he felt it was time to take the top of the cattle which are maintained by the King Kubang, the Prince Mas and sent messengers to the king facing the Kubang. However unexpected, the King reneged on his promise Kubang by refusing to share the results with Prince Mas. In fact, it has been assumed that all the buffalo that have been preserved are his own.
The envoy was later home to the Land of Stone Mortar empty-handed. Arriving at The Stone Mortar royal envoy immediately reported the incident to Prince Mas. Heard the broken promises Kubang King, Prince Mas became furious and intend to attack the Kingdom Kubang. However, because of the famous King Kubang very powerful and has a lot of tough guards, Prince Mas decided to ask for help on the King Bile is also known to be very powerful.
The next day the Prince Mas with his bodyguards went to Nusa Upper River District to meet the King of Gall. And, unexpectedly turns King Bile willing to help Prince Mas camp has attacked the King reneged on his promise.
"But, how? Is not known to be very powerful king Kubang mandraguna "asked Prince Mas at King Gall.
"We can not directly attack the King camp. Kitaharus halve troops. Foreign troops tasked with making the first Kubang to be crowded with performing arts of the sword dance. Well, while people Kubang soluble in festive mood, the other troops would besiege and burn all the settlements there. "Clearly King Gall calmly.
Long story short, on the appointed day the first troops went to performing arts in the field of State Kubang. Therefore, they sing songs with melodious and also very agile sword dance, the Kubang immediately District residents flock to see the show, is no exception Kubang Raja along with his bodyguards.
At the moment people are busy watching the State Kubang performing arts, both forces led by King and Prince Mas Bile immediately burn the whole house in Kubang State. After that they headed the field to surround the King Kubang and bodyguards.
Raja Kubang be horrified when he realized that he had been outflanked. Since there is no prior preparation, the King is helpless and Kubang immediately surrendered without resistance. He did not resist when the troops of King and Prince Mas Bile whole buffalo herd in the State to the State Kubang Stone Mortar.
Arriving at the Royal Mortar Stone, as a token of gratitude Prince Mas handed his only daughter named Princess White Blood famous beautiful girl to the King of Gall to be a wife. After they married, the King of Gall immediately took his wife to live and reign in the kingdom of Upper River Nusa.
While Prince Mas even be sad because his only daughter should go follow her husband. To remove the longing he often went to the Cliffs of Ajam, a plateau that can review the Upper River District of Distant. And, because every so often he went to that place to "review" his daughter, 

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